Ä [17] CIVLIB (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CIVLIB Ä Msg : #4739 [51] From : Matt Giwer 1:3603/10 Tue 01 Mar 94 01:06 To : All Subj : Ban Cigarettes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *********** Original To: ALL * SILICON * was By: MATT GIWER * DUPE * posted: On: MERCOPUS *********** Conf: 0216 - Debate-F ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ban Cigarettes by Matt Giwer (c) 1994 Investigative reporters at ABC TV have come up with the "evidence" they hope will scuttle cigarettes once and for all. They have discovered the nicotine content of cigarettes is controlled. It goes to show one can never underestimate the ignorance of a non-smoker. Here is the reason for the glee. If it is an additive and as it is known that nicotine, in addition to increasing alertness and reducing anxiety, is also addictive. Being addictive it falls under the regulatory authority of the Food and Drug Administration. The bottom line of this is that the FDA would have to have proof the substance is either harmless or safe and effective in a prescribed dosage. Any dosage that is addictive would not be considered safe and therefore would be banned. And thus the barely concealed cheering from the sanctimonious anti-smoking crowd. They have one more weapon in their repertoire against cigarettes. But are they really thinking? Are they ever? They are calling for regulation of an addictive substance because it is an addictive substance. Caffeine is an addictive substance. Caffeine and its analogs are found in many foods such as coffee, tea and chocolate. The amount of caffeine is controlled in all of these to some extent. You did not know that? Certainly it is. The proper strains are selected to provide the punch. All blends are used to control the caffeine content among other things, including taste, that cigarette manufactures control. The objective it to produce a uniform and reproducible product unaffected by the vagaries of the growing season. But in this day of genetic engineering are we to make a distinction between an additive and a cultivated content? The absolute worst the FDA can do is ban the additive and leave the blends alone. And then comes the larger question. If the FDA can require proof of safety of nicotine then it can require proof of safety of any food additive upon the same criteria. It will have the power to demand proof of the safety of added sugars and fats and demand banning of the substances if safety is not proven. Fats are currently the whipping boy for high serum cholesterol in about two thirds of the US population. Fats are added to bran and oat breakfast cereals. They are to be banned. Sugars are simply on the bad boy "obesity" list at present but they are added to almost everything we we purchase. Ordinary table salt is lethal in dosages hardly a hundred times normal daily consumption and it is added to almost everything. Is sugar addictive? Who does not know someone who can be considered addicted to sweets? But these are approved additives. The nicotine content is being controlled, that is increased and decreased, along with other flavoring factors. Fortified wines are not just the cheap "bird wines" of the neighborhood drunk. All distilled spirits, brandies and stronger, have controlled alcohol content whose safety in the amount used will have to be FDA approved, shades of prohibition again. Dozens for fortified ports and sherries and liqueurs will have to come off the market until the safety of alcohol is proven. But back to caffeine. Any blend of coffee, tea or chocolate that considers the caffeine content will have to come off the market until the safety of caffeine is proven. Caffeine is an is not safe almost on an annual basis. Dozens of breakfast cereals will be off the market until the safety of added fats and sugars are proven. However if all of these actions are not taken then we will have prima facia evidence this is nothing more than another Big Brother attempt at prohibition. Not that there was ever any question it was anything else to the less than zealous observer. Tobacco is the great evil of the day as it has been off and on since it was introduced to sanctimonious Europe. There is no claim nicotine is implicated in any human disease, that is left for the miscellaneous "tars" coming with tobacco. The direct administration of the unindicted substance would be prohibited while a product loaded with the indicted substances and free of nicotine would be unregulated. This is the typical insanity of the sanctimonious mentality. --- * RM 1.2 01261 * "The media is biased toward the left." Bill Clinton --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'g' * Origin: Florida Mail Hub * REC18 * 813-321-0734 (1:3603/20) Ä [27] CONTROV (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CONTROV Ä Msg : #4694 [50] From : Matt Giwer 1:3603/10 Mon 28 Feb 94 18:23 To : All Subj : 2 Genesis 01 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *********** Original To: ALL * SILICON * was By: MATT GIWER * DUPE * posted: On: MERCOPUS *********** Conf: 0216 - Debate-F ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Genesis by Matt Giwer (c) 1994 "All of the files in this system you may but of the of the root of the tree of files you shall not access else thy access shall be cut off." Scholars are still unclear as to the meaning of the word access. Some hold it is a variation upon the word excess meaning man at one time was able to lead a life of "access" without health consequences. "And the hacker on the monitor and told the woman if you access the root of the tree of files your access will not be cut off but you will become like the gods knowing all the files and having unlimited access." Scholars are general agreement the hacker is one of a class of impish spirits worshiped by the ancients and that the monitor was rectangular device of glass and plastic to aid in worship which the faithful would watch for hours at a time. They are divided as to why a hacker would appear on a monitor as hackers are generally believed to have been quite independent spirits. "The woman reached out her hands and accessed the root of the tree of files and read of the files and found it enticing for the wisdom it could give. She gave access to her husband and he read of the wisdom. And their eyes were opened and they realized how little they knew of the system. And they were ashamed and they began to read fine[a] manuals." This is commonly held to be the story of the beginning of the systematic acquisition of knowledge by the human race with the access to easy knowledge and help being cut off below. "And they hear Sysop God walking through the halls and they hid from Sysop God among the terminals. But Sysop God called to the User 'Where are you?' he asked. 'I found the logs of you in the root.'" There is a confusion here where the value of access to the root appears to be the files of the tree yet Sysop God refers to logs which are the product of a cut down tree. "And the User replied, 'I heard you in the halls and I was afraid because of was so ignorant of the system.' 'Have you been reading of the files of the access of root?' And the User said, 'the woman put me up to it.' And the woman said, 'The hacker put me up to it.' And Sysop God said, 'Even Hewlett-Packard has dropped daisy-chaining.' But the User did not understand as he had not read the manual." The following are the curses put upon the participants. "To the hacker he said, 'Cursed will be you in the media. No man shall ever understand you and you shall be blamed for every system failure until the end of time. Hatred shall be upon your head and the public shall fear you.' But the hacker was a wily beast and parlayed this curse into a living." The hacker had once been the most esteemed of spirits esteemed for his knowledge and wisdom in all matters. The hacker was believed to possess the ability to perform minor miracles. After this curse the image of the hacker changes to that of a dangerous spirit that is the bane of mankind. "To the woman he said, 'Henceforth you will depend upon the User for your knowledge of the computer and you will suffer his preoccupation with it. In pain will you discover his new hardware.'" The woman had once been an equal the User having equal access with him. After this curse she is dependent upon him and ** Continued in the next message... --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'g' * Origin: Florida Mail Hub * REC18 * 813-321-0734 (1:3603/20) Ä [27] CONTROV (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CONTROV Ä Msg : #4695 [50] From : Matt Giwer 1:3603/10 Mon 28 Feb 94 18:23 To : All Subj : 2 Genesis 02 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Continued from the previous message... ** his power over her will prevent her access to the terminal. "To the User he said, 'Your system access shall be cut off forever and you shall learn only by reading the manuals. You shall learn everything on your own. F1 shall never work for you again.'" The User no long has any system access and suffers the curse of the manuals. Scholars believe F1 may be a short term or an incorrectly transcribed reference the the "fi" in "fine," noting of course the translation of fine is in dispute. "And Sysop God said, 'Now that the man has become like us with knowledge of the root he must not be allowed to reach out his hands and access the internet and deal with us Sysop Gods as equals.'" This appears to be the ultimate fear of Sysop God that the User would have direct access to the other gods. "He banished them from system access forever setting Passwords and File Protects to prevent his access." The exact nature of Passwords and File Protects is uncertain. In Exodus we find two File Protects mounted on the golden box protecting the ten sacred disks given to Norton on the Mountain. ----- [a] Translation of this word is strongly disputed. ===== mgiwer@f20.n3603.z1.FIDONET.ORG Fido 1:3603/20 --- * RM 1.2 01261 * Secret Serv in Prez Bedroom,Fear Battered Husband Syndrome. --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'g' * Origin: Florida Mail Hub * REC18 * 813-321-0734 (1:3603/20) Ä [17] CIVLIB (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ CIVLIB Ä Msg : #4742 [50] From : Matt Giwer 1:3603/10 Tue 01 Mar 94 17:52 To : All Subj : FBI revenge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ *********** Original To: ALL * SILICON * was By: MATT GIWER * DUPE * posted: On: MERCOPUS *********** Conf: 0216 - Debate-F ----------------------------------------------------------------------- News from San Antonio provided to me by phone tonight. The FBI has begun raiding the homes of those in San Antonio who have provided moral support to the Branch Davidians. The instant cause of the search is the search for evidence of jury tampering. One person raided is reported to have provided a list of names of those who provided any form of support. This is not a joke and the call was to me to get the word out. Rather than accept the loss the government is now engaging in a witch hunt. It is seeking to reinstate the charges against one person. If anyone else has a problem with this and is willing to speak up lets start doing so. You do not know when there will be a knock on the door. This is not a drill. --- * RM 1.2 01261 * Attila the Hen runs the White House. --- FidoPCB v1.5 beta-'g' * Origin: Florida Mail Hub * REC18 * 813-321-0734 (1:3603/20)